
ABLOBisabinarylargeobjectthatcanholdavariableamountofdata.ThefourBLOBtypesareTINYBLOB,BLOB,MEDIUMBLOB,andLONGBLOB.,OnecommonuseforMySQListhestorageofbinarydatainBLOBcolumns.MySQLsupportsfourdifferentBLOBdatatypes:TINYBLOB,BLOB,MEDIUMBLOB,and ...,InMySQL,youcanaddaprofile_pictureBLOBcolumntotheuserstablewith:...ConsiderusingabinaryVARCHARcolumninsteadofanequivalentBLOBcolumnfor ...,2020年11月11...

13.3.4 The BLOB and TEXT Types

A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold a variable amount of data. The four BLOB types are TINYBLOB , BLOB , MEDIUMBLOB , and LONGBLOB .

5.6 Handling BLOB Data With ConnectorNET

One common use for MySQL is the storage of binary data in BLOB columns. MySQL supports four different BLOB data types: TINYBLOB , BLOB , MEDIUMBLOB , and ...

BLOB Data Type

In MySQL, you can add a profile_picture BLOB column to the users table with: ... Consider using a binary VARCHAR column instead of an equivalent BLOB column for ...

How to Test BLOB from MySQL

2020年11月11日 — In this blog post, you will learn how to use Apache JMeter™ to create a table with one of the BLOB MySQL data types and how to read & write ...

How To Use the MySQL BLOB Data Type to Store Images ...

2020年5月5日 — A Binary Large Object BLOB is a MySQL data type that can store binary data such as images, multimedia, and PDF files.

How to Work with BLOB in MySQL Database Hosted on ...

2018年12月12日 — A BLOB column stores actual binary strings or byte strings in a MySQL database instead of file path reference. This has one advantage; when you ...


The MySQL BLOB (Binary Large Object) data type is used to store binary data, such as images, audio, video, or any other type of binary file. BLOB columns can store variable-length binary data, making it suitable for handling files of various sizes. Consid

mysql - What is "[BLOB

2013年8月31日 — Basically what it means is that your data is saved in binary format directly. (all data is binary, I know.) But, you can ...


MySQL BLOB data type example. First, create a table that includes a BLOB column: CREATE TABLE images ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, title VARCHAR ...

What is difference between storing data in a blob, vs. ...

2012年11月17日 — I read that the data type can be used to store files. According to MySQL manual page on Blob, A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold ...